HM School

The 4th School of Heavy Mineral Analysis will take place in late June 2025 at the University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy.

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The purpose of the school is to introduce junior researchers (Master, PhD and post-Doc students) and professionals from the industry to heavy mineral (HM) identification by classical optical methods and Raman spectroscopy. The course aims at improving student’s capability to extract mineralogical information from sediments and sedimentary rocks in silt and sand fractions, applying analytical results to sediment provenance studies.

We will share with attendees the state-of-the-art protocol for sample preparation in the laboratory. After an introduction on heavy mineral optical properties, participants will be able to practice with the polarising microscope, exploring the commonest HM encountered in sediments. Chemical composition and crystallographic structure of selected HM will be furtherly explored by Raman spectroscopy. We will also explain how to tackle problems related to hydraulic sorting, chemical weathering and diagenesis through a wide range of case histories from different geological settings.

Researchers, students and professionals are invited to join the school.

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Carl Zeiss S.p.A

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Metrohm Italiana s.r.l.